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High Impact Tutoring 


 Overview of Purple Ruler's Educational Approach:

At Purple Ruler, we believe that tutoring is done best when students are given a

  • Consistent, experienced teacher.

  • Who understands their goals and helps to provide bespoke guidance.

  • To ensure that their level of academic progress aligns with the rest of the school.


Our work is bespoke to each student or group, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. 


We also believe in zero wasted resources which is why:

  • The price of a 6:1 lesson is the same as a 1:1 lesson

  • You can remove students whenever you want

  • Add students whenever you want

  • Combine groups to save cost 

  • Cancel groups to save cost.

Subject Coverage


  • Literacy

  • Numeracy

  • Maths

  • English

  • Science

  • English as a Second Language


  • Maths

  • English

  • Science (Combined and Separate)

  • History

  • Geography


  • Individuals and Societies

  • Sciences

  • Mathematics

  • Language and Literature

  • Sciences

  • Economics 

  • Psychology

  • ICT / Computing

  • Geography 

  • History

Spotlight on: Our IB Support Coverage



  • Literacy

  • Numeracy


  • Individuals and Societies

  • Sciences

  • Mathematics

  • Language and Literature


  • Individuals and Societies

  • Sciences

  • Mathematics

  • Language and Literature

  • Extended Essay Support

What is our teaching style like ?

Inquiry-Based Model

Constructivist approach to teaching

Based on aspirational learning goals

Collaboration between groups of learners

How do we quality assure? 

Every lesson we teach is watched back and graded against a rubric. Teachers must score a minimum of 20/24 with nothing lower than a 3 in any category. 

Screenshot 2024-03-07 at

Who are our teachers? 

 Certified/Licensed Teachers

With Teaching Experience 

Trained and Certified To Teach Online 
With Certifications in EAL

Only 0.5% of applicants become teachers


Spotlight on: How do we Teach ESOL?

The program for EAL is built around online immersion lessons. We focus on having students engage in active use of the language as well as writing and reading exercises with their students. We focus on teaching interdisciplinary topics through English to make rapid gains in applying increased English skills across the curriculum. Our teachers must have their students actively speaking, reading, and writing for the lesson to pass our quality assurance standards. 

The lessons in our curriculum apply to our Purple Ruler English Level (PR English Level) below. As long as students are making progress through our levels you are going to see advancements in the other related benchmarks you can see in the diagram. 

How does our platform work?


Our platform is designed for higher-level data management to ensure academic growth and attendance across entire schools and districts.  Our real-time data lets you hold us accountable to the impact of our work. 

Below you will find a video I recorded to show you what it looks like from an administrator's perspective. 


We charge $50.00 per class, not per pupil. 

1:1 = $50/ student/ Hour

2:1 = $25/ student/ Hour

3:1 = $16.66/ student/ Hour

4:1 = $12.50/ student/ Hour

5:1 = $10/ student/ Hour

6:1 = $8.33/ student/ Hour

Who are we? 

Established in 2016 in The United Kingdom, we were launched when a computing company merged with a learning center with one single aim: " to make high-quality, bespoke learning support affordable for the public sector so that every child has an equal chance to succeed".  We now operate in 34 countries across 24 time zones, serving thousands of schools. 


Real-time Data Analysis, Updates and Feedback

Real-time data is accessible from your dashboard

Realtime student access to data

Book a meeting, schedule a free demo lesson for your students or move to onboarding.

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