Complaints Policy & Procedure
1 Purpose
The complaints policy is intended to set out how Purple Ruler deals with complaints about education, administration or any other perceived issues brought to our attention. All members of the Purple Ruler community should feel able to fully express their views in the knowledge that they are dealt with fairly. All concerns or complaints are important to us and are investigated with due urgency and thoroughness. Our primary concern is the welfare and education of children and we take that very seriously. We aim to work closely with teachers, education workers and parents to constantly improve our service. We welcome suggestions for improving our work. Whenever a complaint is upheld, every effort is made to rectify the issue and, if necessary, take action to try to prevent the problem occurring again. Purple Ruler does not investigate anonymous complaints or allegations.
2 Aims
To provide an accessible and easily understood procedure for complaints
To encourage parents, teachers, education workers and members of the Purple Ruler community to express their views at the earliest opportunity, through the appropriate channels
To increase mutual understanding between all parties
To create an ethos where all are committed to working together for the benefit of each student
3 Confidentiality
Whether a complaint is made informally or formally, all parties involved should ensure that every effort is made to respect confidentially and ensure that all documentation remains confidential to those parties directly involved in the complaint being investigated. Parents, Carers, Teachers and Education workers should be assured that making a complaint does not adversely affect the young person.
4 How we manage complaints and concerns
4.1 Stage 1: Informal complaint
The vast majority of concerns and complaints can be resolved informally. There are many occasions where concerns are resolved straight away through direct contact with Purple Ruler. We aim to resolve any informal complaint within one working day. If the Purple Ruler staff member first contacted cannot deal with the matter immediately, they refer to the staff member with responsibility for the particular issue raised. This staff member will continue to follow the issue through until it has been fully addressed and the matter is resolved either by telephone, email, video call or face-to-face.
If you have any complaint about a tutor, their conduct or the quality or conduct of a tutoring session, then you should contact us without delay and give us full details of any perceived issues so that we can endeavour to resolve them. The complainant is advised to contact our Head of Quality Assurance and Academic Outcomes. Where no satisfactory solution is found, complainants are asked whether they wish their concern to be considered further. If so, they are given clear information about how to make a formal complaint as outlined in the complaints policy.
A written record with full details is made by the Purple Ruler staff member dealing with the informal complaint and kept on file.
4.2 Stage 2: Formal complaint to the Managing Director
The complainant makes a written appeal to the Managing Director detailing the original complaint and reasons why they remain unsatisfied after the initial investigation. The Managing Director will write to the complainant to acknowledge receipt within 5 working days.
The Managing Director investigates the complaint by speaking with the HR Director, relevant parties and reviewing documents. The Managing Director will confer with two or more other members of senior management, if necessary, and will make a decision.
The Managing Director will write to the complainant to advise them of the outcome and any actions being taken within 28 days. In the case of a complaint against the Managing Director, the final recourse will be to the HR Director and at least one other member of senior management.
A record will be kept of all complaints.
Regardless of whether the complaint is upheld or not, a review of working practices will be held to determine what action needs to be taken to reduce the risk of this happening in future.
4.3 Stage 3: Appeal for Third Party Review
In the event that Purple Ruler is unable to resolve a complaint, the complainant is advised to ADM Computing Services Limited, a company of excellent standing and a 40-year reputation in business with schools and local government. They have agreed to act as an independent arbitor as a third party to review of the perceived issue.
If you would like to see a copy of our complaints flowchart, click here or see below.