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Terms And Conditions: Schools, Districts and Educational Authorities (USA)

1. Teacher Unavailability

In the event a teacher is unavailable for a scheduled lesson, Purple Ruler commits to ensuring that the affected school receives a compensatory lesson at no additional cost. This lesson can be scheduled for any course or group as per the school's preference, and Purple Ruler will coordinate with the school to arrange a suitable time for the makeup session.

2. Provision of Substitute Teachers

Purple Ruler reserves the right to assign a qualified substitute teacher in cases where the originally assigned teacher is unavailable for any reason. The substitute teacher will be of comparable expertise and qualification to ensure the continuity and quality of instruction. The school will be informed of the substitution in advance, where feasible.

3. Issues Resulting from School-Related Technical or Scheduling Problems (Less than 48 Hours’ Notice)

In the event that a lesson is missed due to the school’s technical or scheduling issues, with less than 48 hours’ notice provided to Purple Ruler, the lesson will be deemed delivered, and the school will not be entitled to a rescheduled lesson or refund. The lesson will be billed as per the terms of the agreed tutoring package.

4. Issues Resulting from School-Related Technical or Scheduling Problems (48 Hours’ Notice or More)

If a lesson is missed due to technical or scheduling issues on the part of the school, and the school provides at least 48 hours’ notice prior to the scheduled lesson, Purple Ruler will work with the school to reschedule the lesson at a mutually agreed time, subject to teacher availability. There will be no additional charges for the rescheduling under these circumstances.

5. Schedule Modifications and Associated Penalties

Any changes to the agreed-upon schedule initiated by the school after teacher assignments have been confirmed may incur penalty fees. These fees will vary depending on the nature and extent of the changes, as well as the timing of the request in relation to the delivery schedule. Purple Ruler will provide a detailed breakdown of any applicable penalties when the school requests schedule changes.

6 . Data Security

Purple Ruler prioritizes the security and confidentiality of personal data in compliance with applicable regulations. All personal information is stored securely using advanced encryption and protection systems. The following measures are in place:

  • Data is stored on secure, on-site servers managed by ADM Computing Services Limited.

  • Cloud-based data storage is protected using password-protected OneDrive or Lark files.

  • All devices used for data access are safeguarded by Sophos or Guard Dog security systems.

Access to personal data is restricted to authorized personnel only, and data will only be shared where necessary to fulfill contractual obligations or as required by law.

7. Billing and Payment Terms

Tutoring services are billed upon acceptance of the quote provided by Purple Ruler. Payment terms are as follows:

  • Additional services or package extensions requested by the school will be billed upon written or email agreement.

  • Full payment is required within 10 days from the date of invoice.

  • Failure to make timely payments may result in service disruption or the application of late fees, which will be specified in the invoice.

3. Provision of Free Lessons or Resources

From time to time, Purple Ruler may offer complimentary lessons or resources at its discretion. These are provided as a goodwill gesture and are covered under the same terms as paid lessons. The offering of complimentary lessons or resources does not constitute an ongoing obligation, and Purple Ruler reserves the right to discontinue such offerings at any time.

4. Company Information

Purple Ruler LLC is registered as a legal entity in the state of Delaware, USA. All transactions, agreements, and legal matters related to Purple Ruler will be governed by the laws applicable in Delaware, unless otherwise stipulated in a separate agreement.

5. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the United States of America, specifically the state of Delaware. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this agreement, including disputes over its validity, breach, or termination, will be subject to resolution through arbitration or litigation in U.S.-based courts, depending on the nature of the issue.

6. Cancellation by Mutual Agreement

Either party may request the cancellation of this agreement, provided it is done by mutual consent. Cancellations are only valid when confirmed in writing by both parties. Upon cancellation, Purple Ruler will take steps to ensure that all personal data held on behalf of the school is securely destroyed in compliance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act).

7. Contract Duration and Data Destruction

This agreement will remain in effect until the school formally notifies Purple Ruler of its intent to terminate. Upon termination, Purple Ruler will ensure the complete and secure destruction of any personal data in line with GDPR and FERPA regulations. A confirmation of data destruction will be provided to the school upon request.

8. Course Cancellation

To cancel any course or class after the schedule has been confirmed, the school must provide at least three working days' notice. If notice is given later than this period, an administrative fee of 15% of the course or class cost will apply. This fee compensates for the planning, teacher assignment, and administrative work already undertaken by Purple Ruler.

9. Class Cancellation Refunds

If the school wishes to cancel classes or an entire course after delivery has commenced, the following refund policy will apply:

  • Before 50% of the course is delivered: The school is entitled to a full refund for all undelivered classes.

  • After 50% of the course is delivered: Refunds will not be available for any undelivered classes; however, Purple Ruler will issue credit notes for use in future bookings or courses.

All requests for cancellations and refunds must be submitted in writing and will be processed within 10 working days of receipt.

10. Terms Applicability

These Terms and Conditions apply to all contracts and agreements, whether they are for trial periods or long-term programs. There is no requirement to renegotiate rates or create new contracts for extensions or program changes. Any amendments to the scope of services, such as adding new courses or extending the duration, will be governed by the original terms and will not affect the rates unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.

11. Acceptance of Terms

By accepting a quote provided by Purple Ruler, the school agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. Any modifications or extensions to the program will also be governed by these terms unless otherwise stated. Acceptance of the quote constitutes a legally binding agreement between the school and Purple Ruler, covering all aspects of program delivery, scheduling, and payments.

12. 5. UK-Based Work and Separate Agreement

All work conducted in the United Kingdom with any UK-registered educational entity is governed by a separate agreement with Enlai International LTD, a subsidiary of Purple Ruler LLC. Enlai International LTD operates as the designated entity for all UK-based educational services, ensuring compliance with UK laws and regulations. Any disputes or matters relating to services provided in the UK will be handled under this separate agreement with Enlai International LTD, subject to the jurisdiction and governing laws of the United Kingdom.

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